Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ambhasya Pare अंभस्यपारे

Ambhasya Pare
प्रथमोऽनुवाकः ।
First Chapter
अंभस्यपारे भुवनस्य मध्ये नाकस्य पृष्ठे महतो महीयान्
शुक्रेण ज्योती ग्वम् षि समनुप्रविष्टः प्रजापतिश्चरति गर्भे अन्तः १॥
Ambhasya pare Bhuvanasya madhye naksya prushthe mahato mahiyan |
Shukrena jyotigvamshi samanupravishtah prajapatishcharati garbhe antah ||
I-1:  We meditate on the other end of nose (नाकस्य पृष्ठे) i.e. at middle of eyebrows, bhru Madhya, the Lord of creation, who is present in the shoreless waters, on the earth and above the heaven and who is greater than the great, having entered the shining intelligences of creatures in seed form, acts in the foetus (which grows into the living being that is born).

यस्मिन्निद ग्वम् सं वि चैति सर्वं यस्मिन् देवा अधि विश्वे निषेदुः
तदेव भूतं तदु भव्यमा इदं तदक्षरे परमे व्योमन् ॥२॥
Yasminnadim sam cha vi chaiti sarvam Yasmin deva adhi vishve nisheduh |
Tadev bhutam tadu bhavyama idam tadkshre parame vyoman ||
I-2: That in which all this universe exists together and into which it dissolves. That in which all the gods remain enjoying their respective powers – That certainly is whatever that has been in the past and whatever indeed is to come in the future. This cause of the universe, Prajapati, is supported by His own imperishable nature described as absolute ether.

येनावृतं खं दिवं मही येनादित्यस्तपति तेजसा भ्राजसा
यमन्तः समुद्रे कवयो वयन्ति यदक्षरे परमे प्रजाः ३॥
Yenavruttam kham cha divam mahi cha yenadityaspati tejasa bhrajasa cha |
Yamante samudre kavayo vayanti yadakshare parame prajah ||
I-3: He by whom the space between heaven and earth as well as the heaven and the earth are enveloped. He by whom the sun burns with heat and gives light, and He whom the sages bind in the ether of their hearts (with the string of meditation), in whom – The Imperishable One – all creatures abide.

यतः प्रसूता जगतः प्रसूती तोयेन जीवान् व्यचसर्जभूम्याम्
यदोषधीभिः पुरुषान् पशू ग्वम् श्च विवेश भूतानि चराचराणि ४॥
अतः परं नान्यदणीयस ग्वम् हि परात्परं यन्महतो महान्तम्
यदेकमव्यक्तमनन्तरूपं विश्वं पुराणं तमसः परस्तात् ५॥
Yatah prasuta jagatah prasuti toyen jivan vyachasarjbumyam |
Yadoshdhibhih purushan pashumch vivesha bhutani chararani ||
Atah param nanyadaniyasamhi paratparam yanmahato mahantam |
Yadekamvyaktamnantarupam vishvam puranam tamasah parastat ||
I-4-5: From whom the creatrix of the world, Prakriti, was born, who created in the world creatures out of elements such as water, who entered beings consisting of herbs, quadrupeds and men as the inner controller, who is greater than the greatest, who is one without a second, who is imperishable, who is of unlimited forms, who is the universe, who is ancient, who remains beyond darkness or Prakriti and who is higher than the highest – nothing else exists other than, or subtler than, Him.

तदेवर्तं तदु सत्यमाहुस्तदेव ब्रह्म परमं कवीनाम्
इष्टापूर्तं बहुधा जातं जायमानं विश्वं बिभर्ति भुवनस्य नाभिः ६॥
Tadevavartam tadusatyamahuh tadeva brham paramam kavinam |
Ishtapurtam bahudha jatam jayamanam vishvam vibharti bhuvanasya nabhih ||
I-6: Sages declare: That alone is right and That alone is true: That alone is the venerable Brahman contemplated by the wise. Acts of worship and social utility also are that Reality. That alone being the navel of the universe, sustains manifoldly the universe which arose in the past and which springs to existence at present.

तदेवाग्निस्तद्वायुस्तत्सूर्यस्तदु चन्द्रमाः
तदेव शुक्रममृतं तद्ब्रह्म तदापः प्रजापतिः ७॥
Tadevagnistadevayustatsuryastadu chandrama |
Tadeva shukramrutam tad brahma tadapah sa prajapatih ||
I-7: That alone is Fire: That is Air; That is Sun; That verily is Moon; That alone is shining Stars and Ambrosia. That is Food; That is Water and He is the Lord of creatures.

सर्वे निमेषा जज्ञिरे विद्युतः पुरुषादधि
कला मुहूर्ताः काष्ठाश्चाहोरात्राश्च सर्वशः ८॥
अर्धमासा मासा ऋतवः संवत्सरश्च कल्पन्ताम्
आपः प्रदुधे उभे इमे अन्तरिक्षमथो सुवः ९॥
Sarva nimesha jagyire vidyutah purushadadhi |
Kala muhurtah kashthashchahoratrashcha sarvashah ||
Ardha masa masa ritavah samvatsarshcha kalpatam |
Sa aapah pradudhe ubhe ime antarikshamtho suvah ||
I-8-9: All nimesas, kalas, muhurtas, kasthas, days, half-months, months, and seasons, were born from the self-luminous Person. The year also was born from Him. He milked water and also these two, the firmament and the heaven.

नैनमूर्ध्वं तिर्यञ्चं मध्ये परिजग्रभत्
तस्येशे कश्चन तस्य नाम महद्यशः १०॥
Nainamurdhvam na tiryancha na madhye parijagrabhat |
Na tasyeshe kashchana tasya nama mahad yashah ||
I-10: No person ever grasped by his understanding the upward limit of this Paramatman, nor His limit across, nor His middle portion. His name is ‘great glory’ for no one limits His nature by definition.

संदृशे तिष्ठति रूपमस्य चक्षुषा पश्यति कश्चनैनम्
हृदा मनीशा मनसाभिक्लृप्तो एनं विदुरमृतास्ते भवन्ति ११॥
Na Sandrushe thishthati rupasya na cakshusha pashyanti kashchanainam,
Hruda Manisha Mansabhiklrupto ya enam viduramrustaste bhavanti||
I-11: His form is not to be beheld; none whosoever beholds Him with the eye. Those who meditate on Him with their minds undistracted and fixed in the heart know Him; they become immortal.

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