मण्डल: 10 सूक्त: 15
Mandala: 10, HYMN: XV.
ऋग्वेदोक्त पितृ सूक्त
Fathers’ HYMN
उदीरतामवर उत्परास उन्मध्यमाः पितरः सोम्यासः ।
असुं य ईयुरवृका ऋतज्ञास्ते नोऽवन्तु पितरो हवेषु ॥१॥
udIratAmavara utparAsa unmadhyamAH pitaraH
somyAsaH .
asuM ya IyuravR^ikA R^itaj~nAste no.avantu pitaro
haveShu ..1..
1. MAY they ascend, the lowest, highest, midmost,
the Fathers who deserve a share of Soma-
May they who have attained the life of spirits,
gentle and righteous, aid us when we call them.
इदं पितृभ्यो नमो अस्त्वद्य ये पूर्वासो य उपरास ईयुः ।
ये पार्थिवे रजस्या निषत्ता ये वा नूनं सुवृजनासु विक्षु ॥२॥
idaM pitR^ibhyo namo astvadya ye pUrvAso ya uparAsa
IyuH .
ye pArthive rajasyA niShattA ye vA nUnaM
suvR^ijanAsu vikShu ..2..
2 Now let us pay this homage to the Fathers, to
those who passed of old and those who followed,
Those who have rested in the earthly region, and
those who dwell among the Mighty Races.
आहं पितॄन्सुविदत्राँ अवित्सि नपातं च विक्रमणं च विष्णोः ।
बर्हिषदो ये स्वधया सुतस्य भजन्त पित्वस्त इहागमिष्ठाः ॥३॥
AhaM pitR^InsuvidatrA.N avitsi napAtaM cha
vikramaNaM cha viShNoH .
barhiShado ye svadhayA sutasya bhajanta pitvasta
ihAgamiShThAH ..3..
3 1 have attained the gracious-minded Fathers, I
have gained son and progeny from Viṣṇu.
They who enjoy pressed juices with oblation seated
on sacred grass, come oftenest hither.
बर्हिषदः पितर ऊत्यर्वागिमा वो हव्या चकृमा जुषध्वम् ।
त आ गतावसा शंतमेनाथा नः शं योररपो दधात ॥४॥
barhiShadaH pitara UtyarvAgimA vo havyA chakR^imA
juShadhvam .
ta A gatAvasA shaMtamenAthA naH shaM yorarapo
dadhAta ..4..
4 Fathers who sit on sacred grass, come, help us:
these offerings have we made for you; accept them.
So come to us with most auspicious favour, and give
us health and strength without a trouble.
उपहूताः पितरः सोम्यासो बर्हिष्येषु निधिषु प्रियेषु ।
त आ गमन्तु त इह श्रुवन्त्वधि ब्रुवन्तु तेऽवन्त्वस्मान् ॥५॥
upahUtAH pitaraH somyAso barhiShyeShu nidhiShu
priyeShu .
ta A gamantu ta iha shruvantvadhi bruvantu
te.avantvasmAn ..5..
5 May they, the Fathers, worthy of the Soma, invited
to their favourite oblations.
Laid on the sacred grass, come nigh and listen: may
they be gracious unto us and bless us.
आच्या जानु दक्षिणतो निषद्येमं यज्ञमभि गृणीत विश्वे ।
मा हिंसिष्ट पितरः केन चिन्नो यद्व आगः पुरुषता कराम ॥६॥
AchyA jAnu dakShiNato niShadyemaM yaj~namabhi
gR^iNIta vishve .
mA hiMsiShTa pitaraH kena chinno yadva AgaH
puruShatA karAma ..6..
6 Bowing your bended knees and seated southward,
accept this sacrifice of ours with favour.
Punish us not for any sin, O Fathers, which we
through human frailty have committed.
आसीनासो अरुणीनामुपस्थे रयिं धत्त दाशुषे मर्त्याय ।
पुत्रेभ्यः पितरस्तस्य वस्वः प्र यच्छत त इहोर्जं दधात ॥७॥
AsInAso aruNInAmupasthe rayiM dhatta dAshuShe
martyAya .
putrebhyaH pitarastasya vasvaH pra yachChata ta
ihorjaM dadhAta ..7..
7 Lapped in the bosom of the purple Mornings, give
riches to the man who brings oblations.
Grant to your sons a portion of that treasure, and,
present, give them energy, ye Fathers.
ये नः पूर्वे पितरः सोम्यासोऽनूहिरे सोमपीथं वसिष्ठाः ।
तेभिर्यमः संरराणो हवींष्युशन्नुशद्भिः प्रतिकाममत्तु ॥८॥
ye naH pUrve pitaraH somyAso.anUhire somapIthaM
vasiShThAH .
tebhiryamaH saMrarANo havIMShyushannushadbhiH
pratikAmamattu ..8..
8 Our ancient Fathers who deserve the Soma, who
came, most noble, to our Soma banquet,—
With these let Yama, yearning with the yearning,
rejoicing eat our offerings at his pleasure.
ये तातृषुर्देवत्रा जेहमाना होत्राविद स्तोमतष्टासो अर्कैः ।
आग्ने याहि सुविदत्रेभिरर्वाङ्सत्यैः कव्यैः पितृभिर्घर्मसद्भिः
ye tAtR^iShurdevatrA jehamAnA hotrAvidaH
stomataShTAso arkaiH .
Agne yAhi suvidatrebhirarvA~NsatyaiH kavyaiH pitR^ibhirgharmasadbhiH ..9..
9 Come to us, Agni, with the gracioug Fathers who
dwell in glowing light, the very Kavyas,
Who thirsted mid the Gods, who hasten hither,
oblation winners, theme of singers' praises.
ये सत्यासो हविरदो हविष्पा इन्द्रेण देवैः सरथं दधानाः ।
आग्ने याहि सहस्रं देववन्दैः परैः पूर्वैः पितृभिर्घर्मसद्भिः ॥१०॥
ye satyAso havirado haviShpA indreNa devaiH sarathaM
dadhAnAH .
Agne yAhi sahasraM devavandaiH paraiH pUrvaiH
pitR^ibhirgharmasadbhiH ..10..
10 Come, Agni, come with countless ancient Fathers,
dwellers in light, primeval, God-adorers,
Eaters and drinkers of oblations, truthful, who
travel with the Deities and Indra.
अग्निष्वात्ताः पितर एह गच्छत सदःसदः सदत सुप्रणीतयः ।
अत्ता हवींषि प्रयतानि बर्हिष्यथा रयिं सर्ववीरं दधातन ॥११॥
agniShvAttAH pitara eha gachChata sadaHsadaH sadata
supraNItayaH .
attA havIMShi prayatAni barhiShyathA rayiM
sarvavIraM dadhAtana ..11..
11 Fathers whom Agni's flames have tasted, come ye
nigh: ye kindly leaders, take ye each your proper place.
Eat sacrificial food presented on the grass: grant
riches with a multitude of hero sons.
त्वमग्न ईळितो जातवेदोऽवाड्ढव्यानि सुरभीणि कृत्वी ।
प्रादाः पितृभ्यः स्वधया ते अक्षन्नद्धि त्वं देव प्रयता हवींषि
tvamagna ILito jAtavedo.avADDhavyAni surabhINi
kR^itvI .
prAdAH pitR^ibhyaH svadhayA te akShannaddhi tvaM
deva prayatA havIMShi ..12..
12 Thou, Agni Jātavedas, when entreated, didst bear
the offerings which thou madest fragrant,
And give them to the Fathers who did cat them with
Svadha. Eat, thou God, the gifts we bring thee.
ये चेह पितरो ये च नेह याँश्च विद्म याँ उ च न प्रविद्म ।
त्वं वेत्थ यति ते जातवेदः स्वधाभिर्यज्ञं सुकृतं जुषस्व ॥१३॥
ye cheha pitaro ye cha neha yA.Nshcha vidma yA.N u
cha na pravidma .
tvaM vettha yati te jAtavedaH svadhAbhiryaj~naM
sukR^itaM juShasva ..13..
13 Thou, Jātavedas, knowest well the number of
Fathers who are here and who are absent,
Of Fathers whom we know and whom we know not: accept
the sacrifice wellprepared with portions.
ये अग्निदग्धा ये अनग्निदग्धा मध्ये दिवः स्वधया मादयन्ते ।
तेभिः स्वराळसुनीतिमेतां यथावशं तन्वं कल्पयस्व ॥१४॥
ye agnidagdhA ye anagnidagdhA madhye divaH svadhayA
mAdayante .
tebhiH svarALasunItimetAM yathAvashaM tanvaM
kalpayasva ..14..
14 They who, consumed by fire or not cremated, joy
in their offering in the midst of heaven,—
Grant them, O Sovran Lord, the world of spirits and
their own body, as thy pleasure wills it.
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