Tilatarpana is done at Midday i.e on or after 12 O' clock or afternoon.
Ideal location to do tila tarpana is generally a riverside.
But you can do it in any room or place free from disturbance or crowd.
Tilatarpana is the Tarpana (or Arghya) offered to Pitrus (departed ancestors) by male descendants who do not have a living father.
This is offered at the first annual shraddha day (death anniversary) and during subsequent annual shraddhas day, amavasyas (new moon days), monthly sankramanas or sankranti starting from Mesha sankramanas all through Meena sankramanas (solar ingresses), eclipses, and during visits to selected specific holy places of pilgrimage, and during Mahalaya Paksha or Pitru Paksha (Sanskrit: पितृ पक्ष), also spelt as Pitru paksha or Pitri paksha, (literally "fortnight of the ancestors") is a 16–lunar day period in Hindu calendar when Hindus pay homage to their ancestor (Pitrs), especially through food offerings. The period is also known as Pitru Pakshya, Pitri Pokkho, Sola Shraddha ("sixteen shraddhas"), Kanagat, Jitiya, Mahalaya Paksha and Apara paksha.
Ideal location to do tila tarpana is generally a riverside.
But you can do it in any room or place free from disturbance or crowd.
Tilatarpana is the Tarpana (or Arghya) offered to Pitrus (departed ancestors) by male descendants who do not have a living father.
This is offered at the first annual shraddha day (death anniversary) and during subsequent annual shraddhas day, amavasyas (new moon days), monthly sankramanas or sankranti starting from Mesha sankramanas all through Meena sankramanas (solar ingresses), eclipses, and during visits to selected specific holy places of pilgrimage, and during Mahalaya Paksha or Pitru Paksha (Sanskrit: पितृ पक्ष), also spelt as Pitru paksha or Pitri paksha, (literally "fortnight of the ancestors") is a 16–lunar day period in Hindu calendar when Hindus pay homage to their ancestor (Pitrs), especially through food offerings. The period is also known as Pitru Pakshya, Pitri Pokkho, Sola Shraddha ("sixteen shraddhas"), Kanagat, Jitiya, Mahalaya Paksha and Apara paksha.
It falls in the 2nd paksha (forthnight) Hindu lunar month of Bhadrapada (September)
and follows the forthnight immediately after the Ganesh festival. It
begins on the Padyami (first day of the forthnight) ending with the new
moon day known as Sarvapitri amavasya, Pitru Amavasya, Peddala
Amavasya, Mahalaya amavasya or simply Mahalaya.
Tomorrow is Mahalaya Amavasya, Friday, 30th September 2016.
पितर: अग्रिष्वात्त,
बर्हिषद, आज्यप, सोमेप, रश्मिप, उपदूत, आयन्तुन, श्राद्धभुक व नांदीमुख ये 9 दिव्य
पितर बताए गए हैं। पुराण के अनुसार दिव्य पितरों के अधिपति अर्यमा का उत्तरा-फाल्गुनी
नक्षत्र निवास लोक है।
instructions) Purifying the place where you want to sit and do the tarpana
Say अपेत वीत वि
च सर्पतातः ।
येऽत्र स्थ पुराणा
ये च नूतनाः । अदादिदं
यमोऽवसानं पृथिव्याः । अक्रन्निमं पितरो लोकमस्मै || (तैत्तिरीयब्राह्मणम् :-
काण्डः १/प्रपाठकः
(उद्धत्य अवोक्ष्य) (puja instructions) take a big bunch of darbha in your hand and like a broom
give cleaning swipes with it on the floor and then keep the dharbha root standing and with it give a bang it on the floor then discard it
Apeta vita vi cha sarpataatah | ye-a-trastha purana ye cha
nutanah |
Adadidam yamo-a-vasaanam pruthivyaah | akrannimam pitaro lokasmai
Take Tila and say अपहता असुरा रक्षाँसि पिशाचा
ये क्षयन्ति पृथिवीमनु
। अन्यत्रेतो गच्छन्तु
यत्रैषां गतं मनः | Apahataa asuraa rakshaamsi pishhaacha ye kshyanti
prithvimanu anyatreto gachchantu
yatreasham gatam manah |
(इति तर्पण स्थले तिलकान्विकीर्य) (puja instructions) Sprinkel
some tila on the place
Always while doing aachaman don’t wear the pavtra (a
ring made out of darbha grass), tuck it over the ear
आचमन (puja instructions) Achaman
Pour a spoonful of water in your hand/ palm and drink it
Pour a spoonful of water in your hand/ palm and drink it
Saying ॐ केशवाय नम:
drink a spoonful of water
Saying ॐ नाराणाय नम:
drink a spoonful of water
Saying ॐ माधवाय नम:
drink a spoonful of water
Saying केशव touch
the right cheek with the thumb,
Saying नारायण
touch the left cheek with the thumb,
Saying माधव
touch the right nostrils with index finger
Saying गोविन्द
touch the left nostrils with index finger
Saying विष्णो touch
the right eye with ring finger
Saying मधुसूदन touch
the left eye with ring finger
Saying त्रिविक्रम
touch the right ear with the little finger
Saying वामन touch
the left with ear the little finger
Saying श्रीधर touch
the right shoulder with five fingers touching together
Saying ह्रुषिकेश touch
the left shoulder with five fingers touching together
Saying पद्मनाभ touch
the breast with the palm
Saying दामोदर touch
the forehead with the palm
पवित्रम् धृत्वा (puja
instructions) (Wear pavitram)
अप उप स्पृश्य (puja
instructions) (Wash your hands)
दर्भान् धारयमाणः (puja
instructions) ( hold 3 Dharbha with
गणपति-ध्यानम् (puja
instructions) Ganapati Dyanam
शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।
ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥
Shuklambaradharam vishum Shashi varnam chatrurbhujam
Prasanna vadanam dhyayet sarva vighna upashantaye ||
and strike at the two end of your forehead lightly with your clenched fist of both hands, thinking
that a pleasant lord Ganapati is there in the head and is having a pot of
Amruta (Nectar) with upside down and pouring it while you are striking it to
get more and more nectar
प्राणायामः (puja instructions) Pranayamah
In your right hand,
fold your ring finger, middle finger and index finger touching palm and hold
your nose with only little finger and thumb and take breath saying
ॐ भूः ॐ भुवः ओ ँ ू सुवः ॐ महः ॐ जनः ॐ तपः ओ ँ ू सत्यम् ॥
ॐ तत् स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॑॑ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि। धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑॑त् ॥
ओमापो॒ ज्योति॒ रसो॒ऽमृतं॒ ब्रह्म॒ भूर्भुव॒सुव॒रोम् ॥
ॐ भूः ॐ भुवः ओ ँ ू सुवः ॐ महः ॐ जनः ॐ तपः ओ ँ ू सत्यम् ॥
ॐ तत् स॑वि॒तुर्वरे॑॑ण्यं॒ भर्गो॑ दे॒वस्य॑ धीमहि। धियो॒ यो नः॑ प्रचो॒दया॑॑त् ॥
ओमापो॒ ज्योति॒ रसो॒ऽमृतं॒ ब्रह्म॒ भूर्भुव॒सुव॒रोम् ॥
Om bhuha, om bhuvaha,
om gvam suvaha, om mahaha, om janaha, om tapaha
Om gvam satyam ||
Om tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo naha prachodayat ||
Om apo jyoti rasah
amrutam brahma bhuha bhuvaha suvaha om ||
संकल्पः Resolution
ममोपात्त समस्त दुरित क्षय
द्वारा श्री परमेश्वर
प्रीत्यर्थं अपवित्र : पवित्रोवा सर्वावस्थां
गतोऽपिवा। य: स्मरेत्
पुण्डरीकाक्षं स बाह्याभ्यन्तर:
शुचिः। मानसम् वाचिकम् पापम्
कर्मणा समुपार्जितम् श्रीरामस्मरणेनैव व्यपोहति न सम्शयः।
श्री राम राम
राम तिथिर् विष्णुः
तथा वारः नक्षत्रम्
विष्णुरेव च। योगश्च
करणम् चैव सर्वम्
विष्णुमयम् जगत्। श्री गोविन्द
गोविन्द गोविन्द। अद्य श्री भगवतः
महा पुरुषस्य विष्णोराज्ञया प्रवर्तमानस्य आद्य श्री
ब्रह्मण: द्वतीय परार्द्धे श्वेतवराहे
कल्पे वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरे अष्टाविन्शति
तमें कलियुगे
प्रथमे पादे जम्बूद्वीपे
भारतवर्षे, भरतखण्डे मेरोः दक्षिणे
पार्श्वे शकाब्दे अस्मिन् वर्तमाने
व्यवहारिके प्रभावादि षष्टि संवत्सराणां
मध्ये ---- (अमुक) (दुर्मुखी name of the present year) नाम संवत्सरे,
--------- (अमुक) (दक्षिणायने), वर्ष ऋतौ,कन्या मासे, कृष्णा
पक्षे, अद्य _________ (अमुक)
शुभतिथौ , ________ (अमुक) वासर युक्तायाम्,
___________ (अमुक) नक्षत्र युक्तायम् शुभ योग
शुभ कारण एवं
गुण विशेषण विशिष्टायाम्,
अस्याम् __________
(अमुक) पुण्य तिथौ
Mamo patha
samasta dritakshya dvaaraa sriparameshwara prityartham Preethyartham Apavithra
pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa, ya smareth pundari kaksham,
abahyanthara suchi, manasam vaachikam paapam, karmanaa Samuparjitham, sri Rama
smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama Rama; Tithir Vishnu, Tatha
vaara, akshatram Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha karanam chaiva sarvam Vishnu mayam Jagat, Sri Govinda , Govinda, Govinda ,Aadhya sri
bagavatha mahaa purushasya Vishnor Agnaya , Pravarthamanasya , Aadhya brhmana,
dweethiya parardhe, swetha varaha kalpe, Vaivaswatha manvanthare, ashta
vimsathi thame, kali yuge, prathame padhe, Jamboo dweepe, Bharatha varshe,
Bharatha kande, Mero dakshine parswe. Asmin varthamane, vyavaharike
prabhavaadheenam sashti samvatsaranaam madhye, ----nama samvatsare, -----ayane,
----- rithou, ---- mase, krishna pakshe,--- thithou, guru ----
yukthayam,---------- nakshatra
yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubha karana evam guna, viseshana visishtaayam, asyam puya
प्राचीनावीति (puja
instructions) (Change poonal to right shoulder)
Say in
resolution again,
वसुरुद्र स्वरूपाणाम्
अस्मत् पितृ पितामह प्रपितामहानाम् मातृ पितामहि प्रपितामहीनाम् सपत्नीक मातामहा मातुहु
पितामह मातुहु प्रपितामहानाम् उभयवंश पितृणां अक्षय्य तृप्यर्थं महालय पक्षे ----तिथौ/
अमावास्या पुण्य काले तिल तर्पणं करिष्ये
Vasurudra svarupanam asmat pitru pitamaha
prapitamahanam matru pitamahi prapitamahinam sapatnik matamaha matuhu pitamaha
prapitamahanam ubhayavamsha Pitrunam akshyya trupyartham mahalaya pakshe/
amavasyaam punya kaale, or ------- thithou til tarpanam karishye
प्राचीनावीति (puja
दक्षिणाग्रम् कूर्चम्
निधाय (puja
[Change the thread (poonal, janeu or janiwara, or
upaveeet) to right shoulder]
Spread 5-6 darbha grass on a big thali or plate
placing them stand east to west
Arrange the koorcham where
koorcham's head with a ring shape faces South. (दक्षिणाग्रम्)
Take a pinch
of tila and sprinkle through the space between your index finger and thumb over
the koorcham to perform avahanam
आयात पितर सोम्या
गंभीरैः पथिभिः पूर्वैः
। प्रजमस्मभ्यं ददतो
रयिं च दीर्घायुत्वं
च शत शरदं
च ।
अस्मिन् कूर्चे मम वर्गद्वय
पितृन् आवाहयामि ॥
Ayataha pitara
somya gambhiraiha pathibhiha purvaiha | prajamasmabhyam dadato rayim cha
dirghayutvam cah sahta sharadam cha |
Asmin kurche mama
varga dvaya pitrun aavaahayaami ||
‘हमारे सोमपान करने
योग्य अग्निष्वात्त पितृगण देवताओं के साथ गमन करने योग्य मार्गों से यहाँ आवें और
इस यज्ञ में स्वाधा (अन्न) से तृप्त होकर हमें मानसिक उपदेश दें तथा वे हमारी रक्षा करें ।’
Our Agnishwat pitrugana
who deserve to be served with Somarasa may appear here through devine path and
may get satisfied with the svadha of this yajna and offer us precept and thus
may Safeguard and Protect us.
आसन मन्त्रं ॥ (Place 3 dharbha along the koorcham) *
Say सकृदाच्छिन्नं बर्हिरूर्णामृदु स्योनं पितृभ्यस्त्वा भराम्यहम्
। अस्मिऩ्थ्सीदन्तु मे
पितरः सोम्याः पितामहाः
प्रपितामहाश्चानुगैः सह ।
वर्गद्वय पितृणाम् इदमासनम् ॥ सकलाराधनैःस्वर्चितम् ||
Sakudaachinnam bahirrunarmrudu syonam
pitrubhyastvaabharaabhyaham | asminthseedantu me pitaraha somya pitamahaha prapitamahashchaanugaiha sahaha |
Vargadvaya pitrunaam idamaasanam|| sakalaaradhanaiha
svarchtam ||
(Take a pinch of tila and sprinkle through the space
between your index finger and thumb over the koorcham)
तर्पणम्: (puja
Take water in a panchpatra or lota and mix a pinch
of tila in it, then do tarpana i.e. pouring the water in your right hand palm
and let flow through the space between your index finger and thumb over the
पितृवर्गः (puja
instructions) for your class of pitru or for your predecessors from father’s
For your deceased
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ उदीरतामवर ऽउत्परास ऽउन्मध्यमा:
पितर: सोम्यास: ।
असुं य ऽईयुरवृका
ऋतज्ञास्ते नोऽवन्तु पितरो हवेषु
( शु० य० १६।४६)
‘इस लोक में स्थित, परलोक में स्थित और मध्यलोक में स्थित सोमभागी पितृगण क्रम से ऊर्ध्वलोकों को प्राप्त हों । जो वायुरूपको प्राप्त हो चुके हैं, वे शत्रुहीन सत्यवेत्ता पितर आवाहन करनेपर यहाँ उपस्थित हो हमलोगों की रक्षा करें ।’
‘इस लोक में स्थित, परलोक में स्थित और मध्यलोक में स्थित सोमभागी पितृगण क्रम से ऊर्ध्वलोकों को प्राप्त हों । जो वायुरूपको प्राप्त हो चुके हैं, वे शत्रुहीन सत्यवेत्ता पितर आवाहन करनेपर यहाँ उपस्थित हो हमलोगों की रक्षा करें ।’
----- (name of your gotra) गोत्रान्
----- (name of your father) शर्मणः
वसु रूपान पितृन् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि ||
Om udiratamavara autparaasa aunmadhyamaha pitaraha
somyaasaha |
Asum ya aiyurvruka
ritagyanste noavantu pitaro haveshu ||
--- (name
of your gotra) Gotran -----
(name of your father) sharmanaha vasu rupaan pitrun svadha namastarpayami ||
For your deceased
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ अङ्गिरसो न: पितरो
न वग्वा ऽअथर्वाणो भृगव: सोम्यास:
तेषां वय ँ ू सुमतौ
यज्ञियानामपि भद्रे सौमनसे स्याम
(शु० य० १६।७०)
‘अङ्गिरा के कुल में, अथर्व मुनि के वंश में तथा भृगुकुल में उत्पन्न हुए नवीन गतिवाले एवं सोमपान करने योग्य जो हमारे पितर इस समय पितृलोक को प्राप्त हैं, उन यज्ञ में पूजनीय पितरों की सुन्दर बुद्धि में तथा उनके कल्याणकारी मन में हम स्थित रहें । अर्थात् उनकी मन-बुद्धि में हमारे कल्याण की भावना बनी रहे ।’
‘अङ्गिरा के कुल में, अथर्व मुनि के वंश में तथा भृगुकुल में उत्पन्न हुए नवीन गतिवाले एवं सोमपान करने योग्य जो हमारे पितर इस समय पितृलोक को प्राप्त हैं, उन यज्ञ में पूजनीय पितरों की सुन्दर बुद्धि में तथा उनके कल्याणकारी मन में हम स्थित रहें । अर्थात् उनकी मन-बुद्धि में हमारे कल्याण की भावना बनी रहे ।’
----- गोत्रान्
----- (name of your father) शर्मणः
वसुरूपान पितृन् स्वधा नमः
तर्पयामि ||
Om angiraso na pitaro na vagva-a-atharvaano
bhrugavaha somyaashaha |
Tesham vaya gvam
sumato yajnyiyaanaamapi bhadre soumanase syam ||
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your father) sharmanaha vasu rupaan pitrun svadha
namastarpayami ||
For your deceased
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ आयन्तु न: पितर:
सोम्यासोऽग्निष्वात्ता:पथिभिर्देवयानै: ।
स्वधया मदन्तोऽधिब्रुवन्तु तेऽवन्त्वस्मान् ॥
(शु० य० १६।५८)
‘हमारे सोमपान करने योग्य अग्निष्वात्त पितृगण देवताओं के साथ गमन करने योग्य मार्गों से यहाँ आवें और इस यज्ञ में स्वाधा से तृप्त होकर हमें मानसिक उपदेश दें तथा वे हमारी रक्षा करें ।’
‘हमारे सोमपान करने योग्य अग्निष्वात्त पितृगण देवताओं के साथ गमन करने योग्य मार्गों से यहाँ आवें और इस यज्ञ में स्वाधा से तृप्त होकर हमें मानसिक उपदेश दें तथा वे हमारी रक्षा करें ।’
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your father) शर्मणः वसुरूपान पितृन् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि ||
Om aayantu naha
pitaraha somyasoagnishvaataaha pathibhirdevayanaiha|
svadhayaa madanto-a-dhibruvantu te-a-vantvasmaan ||
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your father) sharmanaha vasu rupaan pitrun svadha
namastarpayami ||
For your deceased
Grand Father
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ ऊर्ज्जं वहन्तीरमृतं घृतं
पय: कीलालं परिस्त्रुतम्
स्वधास्थ तर्पयत मे पितृन्
॥ (शु० य०।३४)
‘हे जल ! तुम स्वादिष्ट अन्न के सारभूत रस, रोग-मृत्यु को दूर करनेवाले घी और सब प्रकार का कष्ट मिटानेवाले दुग्ध का वहन करते हो तथा सब ओर प्रवाहित होते हो, अतएव तुम पितरों के लिये हविःस्वरूप होय इसलिये मेरे पितरों को तृप्त करो ।’
‘हे जल ! तुम स्वादिष्ट अन्न के सारभूत रस, रोग-मृत्यु को दूर करनेवाले घी और सब प्रकार का कष्ट मिटानेवाले दुग्ध का वहन करते हो तथा सब ओर प्रवाहित होते हो, अतएव तुम पितरों के लिये हविःस्वरूप होय इसलिये मेरे पितरों को तृप्त करो ।’
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your grandfather) शर्मणः रुद्ररूपान
पितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि
Om urjjam vahantih amrutam ghrutam payaha kilaalam
parishrutam |
Svadhasthataryat me
pitrun ||
--- (name of your gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your grandfather)
sharmanaha rudra rupaan pitaamahhan svadha namastarpayami ||
For your deceased
Grand Father
Say and pour water over the koorcha through
the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ पितृभ्य: स्वधाविभ्य: स्वधा
नम: पितामहेभ्य: स्वधाविभ्य:
स्वधा नम: प्रपितामहेभ्य:
स्वधाविभ्य: स्वधा
नम: ।
(शु० य०
स्वधा (अन्न) के प्रति गमन करनेवाले पितरों को स्वधासंज्ञक अन्न प्राप्त हो, उन पितरों को हमारा नमस्कार है । स्वधा के प्रति जानेवाले पितामहों को स्वधा प्राप्त हो, उन्हें हमारा नमस्कार है । स्वधा के प्रति गमन करनेवाले प्रपितामहों को स्वधा प्राप्त हो, उन्हें हमारा नमस्कार है । पितर पूर्ण आहार कर चुके, पितर आनन्दित हुए, पितर तृप्त हुए हे पितरो ! अब आपलोग आचमन आदि करके शुद्ध हों ।’
स्वधा (अन्न) के प्रति गमन करनेवाले पितरों को स्वधासंज्ञक अन्न प्राप्त हो, उन पितरों को हमारा नमस्कार है । स्वधा के प्रति जानेवाले पितामहों को स्वधा प्राप्त हो, उन्हें हमारा नमस्कार है । स्वधा के प्रति गमन करनेवाले प्रपितामहों को स्वधा प्राप्त हो, उन्हें हमारा नमस्कार है । पितर पूर्ण आहार कर चुके, पितर आनन्दित हुए, पितर तृप्त हुए हे पितरो ! अब आपलोग आचमन आदि करके शुद्ध हों ।’
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your grandfather) शर्मणः रुद्ररूपान
पितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि
Om pitrubyaha svadhaavibhyaha svadhaa namaha pitaamahebhyaha
svadhaavibhyaha svadhaa namaha prapitamahebhyaha svadhaavibhyaha svadhaa namaha
--- (name of your gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your grandfather)
sharmanaha rudra rupaan pitaamahhan svadha namastarpayami ||
For your deceased
Grand Father
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ ये चेह
पितरो ये च
नेह याँश्च विद्य
याँ २॥
ऽउ च न
प्रविद्द्म । त्वं
वेत्थ यदि ते
जातवेदस्तया प्रत ँ ू स्वधाया
मदन्ति ||
‘जो पितर इस लोक में वर्तमान हैं और जो इस लोक में नही किन्तु पितृलोक में विद्यमान हैं तथा जिन पितरों को हम जानते हैं और जिनको स्मरण न होने के कारण नही जानते हैं, वे सभी पितर जितने हैं, उन सबको हे जातवेदा-अग्निदेव ! तुम जानते हो । पितरों के निमित्त दी जानेवाली स्वधा के द्वारा तुम इस श्रेष्ठ यज्ञ का सेवन करो-इसे सफल बनाओ ।’
‘जो पितर इस लोक में वर्तमान हैं और जो इस लोक में नही किन्तु पितृलोक में विद्यमान हैं तथा जिन पितरों को हम जानते हैं और जिनको स्मरण न होने के कारण नही जानते हैं, वे सभी पितर जितने हैं, उन सबको हे जातवेदा-अग्निदेव ! तुम जानते हो । पितरों के निमित्त दी जानेवाली स्वधा के द्वारा तुम इस श्रेष्ठ यज्ञ का सेवन करो-इसे सफल बनाओ ।’
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your grandfather) शर्मणः पितामहान्
स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि
Om ye cheha pitaro ye cha neha yaagvum shcha
vidmyagvam–a-oo-cha na pravidm |
Tvam vettha yadi te jatavedastaya prata gvam svadhayaa
--- (name of your gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your father)
sharmanaha rudra rupaan pitaamahhan svadha namastarpayami ||
For your deceased
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ मधु व्वाता
ऽऋतायते मधु क्षरन्ति
सिन्धव: ।
माध्वीर्न: सन्त्वोषधी:
(शु० य० १३।२७)
‘यज्ञ की इच्छा करनेवाले यजमान के लिये वायु मधु पुष्परस-मकरन्द की वर्षा करती है । बहनेवाली नदियाँ मधु के समान मधुर जल का स्नोत बहाती हैं । समस्त ओषधियाँ हमारे लिये मधु-रस से युक्त हों ।’
‘यज्ञ की इच्छा करनेवाले यजमान के लिये वायु मधु पुष्परस-मकरन्द की वर्षा करती है । बहनेवाली नदियाँ मधु के समान मधुर जल का स्नोत बहाती हैं । समस्त ओषधियाँ हमारे लिये मधु-रस से युक्त हों ।’
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your great-grandfather) शर्मणः आदित्य रुपान प्रपितामहान्
स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि
Om madhuvvaata –a-rutaayate madhu ksharanti sindhavah |
Maadhvirnaha santvoshadhih ||
--- (name of your gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your
great-grandfather) sharmanaha AAditya rupaan pitaamahhan svadha namastarpayami
For your deceased
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ मधु नक्तमुतोषसि
मधुमत्पार्थिव ँ ू रज:
मधु द्यौरस्तु न पिता
(शु० य० १३।२८)
‘हमारे रात-दिन सभी मधुमय हों । पिता के समान पालन करनेवाला द्युलोक हमारे लिये मधुमय-अमृतमय हो । माता के समान पोषण करनेवाली पृथिवी की धूलि हमारे लिये मधुमयी हो ।’
‘हमारे रात-दिन सभी मधुमय हों । पिता के समान पालन करनेवाला द्युलोक हमारे लिये मधुमय-अमृतमय हो । माता के समान पोषण करनेवाली पृथिवी की धूलि हमारे लिये मधुमयी हो ।’
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your great-grandfather) शर्मणः आदित्य रुपान cपितामहान्
स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि
Om madhu naktamutoshasi madhumat parthiva gvam rajah |
Madhudyorastu nah pita ||
--- (name of your gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your
great-grandfather) sharmanaha AAditya rupaan pitaamahhan svadha namastarpayami
For your deceased
Say the following mantra and pour water over
the koorcha through the space between your index finger and thumb
ॐ मधुमान्नो वनस्पतिर्मधुमाँऽ२ ॥
अस्तु सूर्यः।
भवन्तु न: ॥
(शु० य० १३।२६)
‘वनस्पति और सूर्य भी हमारे लिये मधुमान् मधुर रस से युक्त हों । हमारी समस्त गौएँ माध्वी-मधु के समान दूध देनेवाली हों ।’
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your great-grandfather) शर्मणः आदित्य रुपान
प्रपितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि ||
Om madhumaanno
vanaspatih madhuma gvam astu suryah||
bhavantu nah||
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your great-grandfather) sharmanaha AAditya rupaan
pitaamahhan svadha namastarpayami ||
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
------ (name of gotra) गोत्राः ------- (name of your dead mother) दाः
वसु रुपाः मातृः स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि || (त्रिः) (three times tarpana or pouring
of water over koorcham along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your dead mother) dah vasuh rupaah maatru svadha namastarpayami || (trih)
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
------ (name of
gotra) गोत्राः ------- (name of your
dead grandmother) दाः रुद्र रुपाः पितामहि स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि || (त्रिः) (three
times tarpana or pouring of water over koorcham along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your grandmother) dah Rudra rupaah pitamahi svadha namastarpayami || (trih)
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
------ (name of gotra) गोत्राः ------- (name of your dead great-grandmother)
दाः आदित्य रुपाः प्रपितामहि स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि || (त्रिः)
(three times tarpana or pouring of water over koorcham along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your dead great-granmother) dah AAditya rupaah
pra-pitamahi svadha namastarpayami || (trih)
मातामह वर्गः For ancestors from your mothers’ side
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
For your maternal grandfather
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your maternal grandfather) शर्मणः वसुरूपान मातामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि ||(त्रिः)
(three times tarpana or pouring of
water over koorcham along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your maternal grandfather) sharmanaha vasu rupaan matamahan svadha
namastarpayami ||
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your maternal great-grandfather) शर्मणः रूद्ररूपा मातुः पितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि
||(त्रिः) (three times
tarpana or pouring of water over koorcham along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your maternal great-grandfather) sharmanaha Rudra rupaa matuh-pitamahan
svadha namastarpayami ||
------- (name of
your gotra) गोत्रान् ------- (name of
your maternal great-great-grandfather) शर्मणः आदित्य रूपान मातुः-प्रपितामहान् स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि
||(त्रिः) (three times tarpana or pouring of water over koorcham along with
saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your great-great-grandfather) sharmanaha AAditya rupaan maatuh-prapitamahan
svadha namastarpayami ||
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
------ (name of gotra) गोत्राः ------- (name of your dead maternal
grandmother) दाः वसु रुपाः मातामही स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि || (त्रिः) (three times
tarpana or pouring of water over koorcham along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your dead maternal grandmother) dah vasuh rupaah
maataamahi svadha namastarpayami ||
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
------ (name of
gotra) गोत्राः ------- (name of your
dead greatgrandmother) दाः रुद्र रुपाः मातुः पितामहि स्वधा नमः तर्पयामि || (त्रिः)
(three times tarpana or pouring of water over koorcham along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your greatgrandmother) dah Rudra rupaah matuh-pitamahi
svadha namastarpayami || (trih)
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
------ (name of gotra) गोत्राः ------- (name of your dead greatgreat-grandmother)
दाः आदित्य रुपाः मातुः- प्रपितामहि स्वधा
नमः तर्पयामि || (त्रिः) (three times tarpana or pouring of water over koorcham
along with saying this)
--- (name of your
gotra) Gotran ----- (name of your dead maternal greatgreat-grandmother) dah
AAditya rupaah maatuh-prapitamahi svadha namastarpayami || (trih)
Say the following
mantra and pour water over the koorcha through the space between your index
finger and thumb
ॐ ऊर्ज्जं वहन्तीरमृतं घृतं
पय: कीलालं परिस्त्रुतम्
स्वधास्थ तर्पयत मे पितृन्
॥ तृप्यत, तृप्यत, तृप्यत ||
‘हे जल ! तुम स्वादिष्ट अन्न के सारभूत रस, रोग-मृत्यु को दूर करनेवाले घी और सब प्रकार का कष्ट मिटानेवाले दुग्ध का वहन करते हो तथा सब ओर प्रवाहित होते हो, अतएव तुम पितरों के लिये हविःस्वरूप होय इसलिये मेरे पितरों को तृप्त करो ।’
‘हे जल ! तुम स्वादिष्ट अन्न के सारभूत रस, रोग-मृत्यु को दूर करनेवाले घी और सब प्रकार का कष्ट मिटानेवाले दुग्ध का वहन करते हो तथा सब ओर प्रवाहित होते हो, अतएव तुम पितरों के लिये हविःस्वरूप होय इसलिये मेरे पितरों को तृप्त करो ।’
Om urjjam vahantih amrutam ghrutam payaha kilaalam parishrutam
Svadhasthataryat me
pitrun || trupyata, trupyata, trupyata ||
You had till now
the sacred thread on your to right shoulder; instead of as usual on your left
उपवीती (puja
instructions) change the thread to your left shoulder.
Stand up and Saying
ॐ देवताभ्यः पितृभ्यश्च
महायोगिभ्य एव च। नमः स्वधायै स्वाहायै नित्यमेव नमोनमः।
Om devatabyah
pitrubhyashcha mahayogibhya eva cha |
Namah svadhaayaih
svaahaayai nityameva namonamah ||
Go aroud yourself
(do a spin of yourself) and do a namaskaara lying down staright.
Saying अभिवादये ----- त्रय आर्षये प्रवरान्वित ------ प्रवर, ------ गोत्र,
----- सूत्र, ----- वेदशाखाध्यायी --------------
शर्माणः नाम्नाः अहम् अस्मि भोः ||
Abhivaadaye --------Thrayaarisheya,
---- (Pravara), --- (Gotra) ----(Apasthambha Sutrah) (Sutra) Yajussaakhaadhyaayee,
(Veda) ------(your name) Sharmaa Naama aham Asmi Bhoh (Salutations)
(puja instructions) put the upavita
- sacred thread on your to right shoulder again
Touch the
koorcham in water and say
आयतः पितरः सोम्या
गंभीरैः पथिभिः पूर्व्यैः|
प्रजामस्मभ्यम् ददतो
रयिम् च दीर्घायुत्वम् च शतशारदम् च |
अस्मात् कूर्चात् वर्गद्वय
पितृन् यथास्थानम् प्रतिष्ठापयामि
Ayatah pitarah somya ganbhirai pathibhih
poorvyaih |
dadato rayim cha dirghayutvam cha
shatshaaradam cha |
Asmaat koorchat
vargadvaya pitrun yathasthanam pratishthaapayaami ||
पवित्रम् कर्णे निधाय,
उपवीती, आचम्य, पवित्रम् धृत्वा प्राचीनावीती (all puja instructions)
Tuck the pavitra
in your ear, put the upavita - sacred thread on your left shoulder again, and
do the aachamana (as said in the begining), put on the pavitra, put the upavita
- sacred thread on your right shoulder again
Touch the
koorcham in water and say
येषाम् न माता न पिता
न मित्र-ज्ञाति-बान्धवाः |
ते सर्वे तृप्ति मायान्तु
मयोत्स्रृष्टैः कुशोदकैः |
Yesham na maataa
na pitaa mitra-jnaati-baandhavaah |
Te sarve trupti
maayantu mayotsrutaih kushodakaih ||
इति कूर्चम् विस्रस्य
कुशोदकम् निनयेत् | (puja instructions) after saying this, take the koorcham in
your hand and break it, then touch the water in the big thali and with that
touch both your eyes
पवित्रम् विसृज्य (puja
instructions) break the pavitram
उपवीती (puja
instructions) put the upavita on your left shoulder.
आचमेत (puja
instructions) do the aachamana
ब्रह्मयज्ञम् कुर्यात
(puja instructions) Do the Brahma yajna
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