Thursday, September 8, 2016

Viraja Homa Mantras: Getting rid of Rajoguna

Viraja Homa
(From Mahanarayanopanishat)

This Homa is performed during every month of Shivarathri day generally.

This Homa is also performed while preparing or making Vibhooti (Bhasma)from pure cow dung. 

In Hindus, before taking Sannyas, one has to do viraja homa etc. 

[It is performed as a fire sacrifice, more elaborate, effective and directed to Brahman for the purification of one's Self (Aatman) yearning for liberation from human bondage.]

Viraja Homa is an oblation to fire for self-purification from ego. The discourse on Trigunas elaborates on the influence of Gunas over souls which come in its way for liberation and how to overcome them. Human soul (Atman) is always clouded with different kinds of gunas and struggles hard for its liberation. Progressively it should eliminate Rajas (ego) and Tamas (ignorance) and be influenced only with Satva (noble qualities) guna only. Even this binds the soul to this materialistic world. Hence the soul should even discard this and reach a stage that it has no influence whatsoever from gunas (called gunaateeta state) and all its thoughts are directed only towards Brahman. The manrtras in this homa are very explicit and are meditated upon to get rid of our egos (Rajas), which is the most disturbing factor in human life. Vi-raja means get rid of Egos i.e. getting rid of Rajo guna. Majority of us suffer from our ego that is we are overpowered with Rajoguna. The mantras are therefore called Virajahoma Mantras.
These Mantras are also very important to those who seek Sanyaasa that is those who renounce the world.
Also, these mantras are chanted in oblations for purification for the purpose of turning into ascetic, i.e. a sannyasi.
The purification that is sought after here is the form of being divested of the fault of indulging in the wrong path (paravrutti). The mantra also refers to Veera-hatya.
Veerahatya is the act of renouncing the Agni for becoming an ascetic (Sanyasi). Scriptures (as we have seen in Taittareeya Upanishad farewell address of Gurukula) ordain that one has to lead the householder's life after completion of Vedic studies and serve the society following the path of Dharma.
One who renounces the world will be stifling the birth of a valiant son which is considered as Vreera-hatya or killing of the valiant.
These mantras are therefore considered as Prayaschittaa (atonement) for giving up the life of a householder.
Vedas ordain "Yaavajjeevam Agnihotram juhuyat"—perform all life fire sacrifice stipulated for a married person.
Here the one who undertakes Sanyasa is committing the sin by giving up that sacrifice.
Hence forward he will not do the fire sacrifice as ordained after turning into ascetic.
They will also be not required to do last rites or anniversaries to deceased parents like others as they will be renouncing the world.

विरजा होम
Viraja Home 
A Sacrificial Ritual to get rid of Rajoguna

महानारायण उपनिषद
First Chapter
सोहम् अप्यपापो विरजो निर्मुक्तो मुक्त-किल्बिषः
नाकस्य पृष्ठम् आरूह्य गच्छेत् ब्रहम् सालोक्यम्||60||
So-aham apyapaapo virajo nirmukto mukta-kilbishah |
Naakasya prishtham-aaruhya gacchet brahma-salokataam ||

 I,  meditate on soham mantra by concentrating on the other end of nose (नाकस्य पृष्ठे) i.e. middle of eyebrows, bhru Madhya,  by doing this all the sins are wiped out and after becoming sinless and freed from the quality Rajo-guna (ego),  may go to the world of Brahman beyond the region of heaven freed from all defects!

त्रिषष्टितमोऽनुवाकः ।
Viraja Homa
Sixty Third Chapter
तिलाञ्जुहोमि सरसान् ग्वम् सपिष्टान् गन्धार मम चित्ते रमन्तु स्वाहा ॥ १॥
1. Tilan-juhomi sarasaa  gvam sapishtaan gandhaara mama chitte ramantu svaahaa |

LXIII-1: O Supreme Being, I offer oblations of tasty tila (Sesamum indicum) seeds mixed with some flour, into the consecrated fire; may my mind delight in the attributed of the Supreme Hail !

गावो हिरण्यं धनमन्नपान ग्वम् सर्वेषा ग्वम् श्रियै स्वाहा ॥ २॥
2. Gavo hiranyam dhana-mannapaana gvam sarveshaa gvam sriyai svaahaa |
LXIII-2: O God, through Thy grace, may I obtain cattle, gold, wealth, food and drink, and all desired objects and beauty and prosperity; for that this oblation be offered to Thee. Hail !

श्रियं च लक्ष्मीं च पुष्टिं च कीर्तिं चानृण्यताम्। ब्राह्मण्यं बहुपुत्रताम् ।
श्रद्धामेधे प्रज्ञा तु जातवेदः संददातु स्वाहा ॥ ३॥
LXIII-3: May God grant me royal prosperity, the bliss of freedom, health, noble repute, capacity to pay off the debts to gods, departed souls and sages, the qualities of an ideal Brahmana, many sons, faith, intelligence and grandsons. May this oblation be offered for that. Hail !

चतुःषष्टितमोऽनुवाकः ।
Sixty Forth Chapter
तिलाः कृष्णास्तिलाः श्वेतास्तिलाः सौम्या वशानुगाः ।
तिलाः पुनन्तु मे पापं यत्किञ्चिद् दुरितं मयि स्वाहा ॥ १॥
Tilah krishnaas-tilaa-svetaas-tilaas-somyaa vasaanugaah |
tilaah punantu may paapam yatkinchit-duritam mayi svaahaa ||
LXIV-1: O Lord, through Thy grace, may these black Sesamum seeds, white Sesamum seeds, healthful Sesamum seeds and own Sesamum seeds cleanse whatever sin there is connected with me or whatever wrong there is in me. For that I offer oblations. Hail !

चोरस्यान्नं नवश्राद्धं ब्रह्महा गुरुतल्पगः ।
गोस्तेय{\म्+} सुरापानं भ्रूणहत्या तिला शान्ति ग्वम् शमयन्तु स्वाहा ॥ २॥
Chorasya-annam nava-sraaddham brahmahaa gurutalpagah | gosteya(ga)m suraa-paanam bhroona-hatyaa tilaa saanti(gva)m samayantu svaahaa||
LXIV-2: May the Sesamum seeds offered to remove my sins like a free-flowing river with ग्वम् ग्वम्  sound which removes its own impurity, such as partaking of the food supplied by theft, dining at a place where food is served in connection with the funeral rites of a single recently departed soul, slaying of a Brahmana, outraging the preceptor’s honour, cattle-lifting, drink and slaying a hero or a foetus. May I have peace. Hail !

श्रीश्च लक्ष्मीश्च पुष्टीश्च कीर्तिं चानृण्यताम्। ब्रह्मण्यं बहुपुत्रताम् ।
श्रद्धामेधे प्रज्ञा तु जातवेदः संददातु स्वाहा ॥ ३॥
Sreescha lakshmees-cha pushtis-cha keertims-cha anrinyataam| brahmanyam bahuputrataam| sraddhaa-medhe prajnaatu jaatavedas-sandadaatu svaahaa||
LXIV-3: May God grant me royal prosperity, the bliss of freedom, health, noble repute, capacity to pay off the debts to gods, departed souls and sages, the qualities of an ideal Brahmana, many sons, faith, intelligence and grandsons. May this oblation be offered for that. Hail O Jatavedas [the all-knowing Supreme invoked in fire] !

पञ्चषष्टितमोऽनुवाकः ।
Sixty Fifth Chapter

प्राणापानव्यानोदानसमाना मे
शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ १॥
Praana-apaana-vyaana-udaana-samaanaa may sudhyantaam |
Jyotir-aham virajaa-vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam swaahaa ||
LXV-1: [Viraja Homa]: By this oblation may my in-breath, our-breath, diffused breath, up-breath and middle breath become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

वाङ्मनश्चक्षुःश्रोत्रजिह्वाघ्राणरेतोबुद्ध्याकूतिःसङ्कल्पा मे
शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ २॥
Vaang-manas-chakshuhu srotra-jihvaa-ghranar-eto-budhyaakootih sankalpaa |
May sudhyantaam jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam swaahaa ||
LXV-2: By this oblation may my speech, mind, sight, hearing, taste, smell, seed, intellect, intention and aim become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

त्वक्चर्ममांसरुधिरमेदोमज्जास्नायवोऽस्थीनि मे
शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भुयास ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ३॥
Tvak-charma-maamsa-rudhira-meda-asthi-majjaa may suddhyantaam |
Jyotiraham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam swaahaa ||
LXV-3: By this oblation may my seven bodily ingredients – outer and inner skin, flesh, blood, fat, marrow, sinew and bone – become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

शिरःपाणिपादपार्श्वपृष्ठोरूधरजङ्घाशिश्नोपस्थपायव् ओ मे
शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ४॥
Sirah paani-paada-paarsva-prishtha-udara-jangha-sisnja-upastha-paayavo |
May sudhyantaam jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam Swaahaa ||
LXV-4: By this oblation may the limbs and the parts of my body comprised by the head, hands, feet, sides, back, thighs, belly, shanks, the generative organ, the middle part of the body (or the male and female generative organs) and the anus become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

उत्तिष्ठ पुरुष हरित पिङ्गल लोहिताक्षि देहि देहि ददापयिता मे
शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ५॥
Utthishtha purusha Hare (rit) lohitapingala-akshi |
Dehi dehi dad-aapayitaa may suddhyantaam jyotir-aham |
Virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam swaahaa ||
LXV-5: O thou Divine Person, who is dark blue and brown and who is red in eyes make haste to favour me. Grant me more and more purity. Be a grantor of knowledge and purity to me through the medium of my preceptor. May my thoughts become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

षट्षष्टितमोऽनुवाकः ।
Sixty sixth Chapter

पृथिव्यप्तेजोवायुराकाशा मे शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास 
ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ १॥
prithivy-ap-tejo-vaayav-akasaa may suddhyantaam |
Jyotir-aham virajaa viopaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam swaahaa ||
LXVI-1: [Viraja Homa]: By this oblation may the five constituent elements of my body – earth, water, fire and ether – become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

शब्दस्पर्शरूपरसगन्धा मे शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास 
ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ २॥
Sabda-sparsa-roopa-rasa-gandhaa may suddhyantaam |
Jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam Swaahaa ||
LXVI-2: By this oblation may the qualities of sound, touch, colour, taste and smell (residing in the above five elements constituting my body) become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

मनोवाक्कायकर्माणि मे शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास 
ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ३॥  
Manovakkayakarmani may suddhyantaam |
Jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam Swaahaa ||
LXVI-3: By this oblation may the deeds accomplished by my mind, speech and body become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

अव्यक्तभावैरहङ्कारैर् ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास 
ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ४॥
Avyaktyabhavairahankaarair Jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam Swaahaa ||
LXVI-4: May I not have any suppressed feelings of egoism. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

आत्मा मे शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भुयास 
ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ५॥
Atma may suddhyantaam |Jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa(ga)m Swaahaa ||
LXVI-5: By this oblation may my body become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

अन्तरात्मा मे शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास 
ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ६॥
antaratma may suddhyantaam |Jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa(ga)m Swaahaa ||
LXVI-6: By this oblation may my internal organs become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

परमात्मा मे शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास 
ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ७॥
papatma may suddhyantaam |Jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa gvam Swaahaa ||
LXVI-7: By this oblation may my infinite Self become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be appropriately offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

क्षुधे स्वाहा । क्षुत्पिपासाय स्वाहा । विविट्यै स्वाहा ।
ऋग्विधानाय स्वाहा । कषोत्काय स्वाहा । ॐ स्वाहा ॥ ८॥
Kshudhe Swaahaa | Kshutpipasaya Swaahaa | Vivittaih Swaahaa |
Rigvinaih Swaahaa | Kashotkaya Swaahaa | Om Swaahaa | |

LXVI-8: May this oblation be made to the deity of hunger. Hail ! May this oblation be made to the conjoined deities of hunger and thirst. Hail ! May this oblation be made to the all-pervasive Supreme. Hail ! May this oblation be made to the Supreme who is the ordainer of Rik chants. Hail ! May this oblation be made to the Supreme who is interested in his creation. Hail ! (I am the Truth expressed by Pranava. For the realization of that may this oblation be offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !)

क्षुत्पिपासामलं ज्येष्ठामललक्ष्मीर्नाशयाम्यहम् ।
अभूतिमसमृद्धिं च सर्वान्निर्णुद मे पाप्मान ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ ९॥
Kshutpipasamalam jyeshthamalalakshmirnashyamyaham|
Abhutimsamruddhim cha sarvan nirnuda me Papmanagvam Swaahaa ||
LXVI-9: O Lord, through thy grace I remove from me that uncleanness in the form of hunger and thirst, misfortune and adversity, poverty and lack of progress, and all the like. Efface my sins. Hail !

अन्नमयप्राणमयमनोमयविज्ञानमयमानन्दमयमात्मा मे
शुध्यन्तां ज्योतिरहं विरजा विपाप्मा भूयास ग्वम् स्वाहा ॥ १०॥
Annamaya-praanamaya-manomaya-jnaanamaya-aanadamaya |
May suddhyantaam jyotir-aham virajaa vipaapmaa bhooyaasa(ga)m swaahaa ||
LXVI-10: By this oblation may my five-fold self comprised by the sheaths of food, breath, mind, intelligence and bliss become purified. I pray that I become the Supreme Light bereft of all obstructing sins and their cause, the passions in me. For this end may this oblation be offered into the consecrated fire. Hail !

अग्नये स्वाहा, विश्वेभ्यो देवेभ्य स्स्वाहा, ध्रुवाय भूमाय स्वाहा, ध्रुवक्षितये स्वाहा

 ग्वम् स्वाहा
O GvaM Swaahaa|

I oblate my Self or Aaatman unto you, Brahman, who is symbolized by the syllable Ogvam (pranava)!

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